Source Responsibly

Farmers are our most valuable asset. We make sure every farmer we work with understand the value they provide not only to MBS Labs, but to all the end consumers we serve. Our executive team has led coffee and cocoa trade associations and understand the true meaning behind “fair trade.”

As operations continue to expand, so does our farmer community. We work with mushroom farmers in USA and South America, cannabis/hemp farmers in USA and, Europe, and Colombia, Lavender farmers in France, and the list goes on. The main purpose of establishing this community is to define best practices and quality standards with the end product and consumers in mind. All farms abide by Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and all raw materials utilized at MBS Labs are fully natural and organic.

For these and many other reasons, we ensure the farmers are compensated above industry standards in order to maintain collaboration across the community, drive innovation, and standardize quality and consistency.

For more information regarding MBS farmer community, or if you are interested in joining, please contact us at

We look forward to working with you and driving innovation through collaboration.